What to expect on a Sunday morning
Visiting a church can often be a very nerve wracking experience. You never know what to expect. Here at Everyday Hope Church, we want your visit to be as easy as possible. So to help make that happen, we offer the following information:
There are a few things that you will notice when visiting Everyday Hope:
- We are a small group, but we have big hearts.
- We see ourselves as broken and our heart is to reach others who also see themselves as broken and in need of a savior. So we are a church that is focused on the transforming power of the gospel.
- Our teaching and doctrine are very much ‘evangelical’ and gospel focused and in line with 100’s of years of the Christian faith.
Our Sunday morning worship services are much like what you would expect: singing, announcements, preaching etc. One special feature of our worship is that we take our prayer time seriously. Each Sunday morning we have a time of corporate prayer where anyone present that morning is welcome to participate.
We have a Sunday School which starts at 9:30 am
Our main service starts at 10:30 am
As a Church we are blessed to watch as young children show up Sunday to Sunday with energy and smiles on their faces. While our numbers are small, we do presently offer a Sunday School class for them during our Sunday School hour. We are also now working to put together a program for for those children too young to sit through our main service. If you would like more details, we would encourage you to contact the church office.
For those families with infants or toddlers, we also offer a nursery. It does get some use, so you won’t be alone.
Here at Everyday Hope we are more interested in matters of the heart, than we are about how you dress.
Visitors on any given Sunday will find that there is a wide variety of styles. Some people are dressed casually wearing jeans or shorts, while others choose to dress up a little.
If you are thinking about visiting, please don’t let worries about what to wear keep you from coming out.
Everyday Hope is physically located in the Ace Plaza on the north end of Wauseon.
Our address is as follows:
Everyday Hope
1471 N Shoop Ave. Wauseon, OH 43567
Check out our contact page for more details.